- Glasbausteine / Glassblock8x8x3, 6x6x3, 6x8x3,
4x8x3, 8x8x4, 6x6x4 and 4x8x4 for 45 minute fire rating. 12X 12 block
not included.
- Maximum opening width or height of 12'-0" and a
maximum area of 120 S.F. for 45 minute fire rating.
- Glass block, 8 x 8 x 4 Nubio 60, Clarity 60 and
Fortress for 60 minute fire rating.
- Maximum opening width or height of 10'-0" and a
maximum area of 100 S.F. for 60 minute fire rating.
- Glass block 6 x 6 x 4 Clarity 90 for 90 minute
fire rating.
- Maximum opening width or height of 10'-0" and a
maximum area of 100 S.F. for 90 minute fire rating.
- All horizontal mortar joints to be reinforced with
9 x 14 AWG galvanized wire except below the first course or above the
top course. Use Type S mortar.
- Glass block at jambs to be placed 1" into 1 l/2"
deep recess. Recess to be formed of masonry or 1 1/2" deep steel
channel. Steel channel to be 14 gage hollow metal for 45 or 60 minute
openings and steel with 1/4" thick flanges for 90 minute openings.
- Fill space between glass block and channel with
glass fiber or mineral wool and caulk with silicone.
- Glass block at head to be placed 1" into 1 1/2"
deep recess. Recess to be formed of steel channel‹same as in Note 8
- The installation of glass block will be more
easily accomplished if the lintel is not installed until the top
course has been installed.
- Delberg, Accuspeed or A.B. Kreuz spacers may be
used to install Glass Block for 45 or 60 minute openings.
- Glass block 8x8x3, 6x6x3, 6x8x3, 4x8x3, 8x8x4,
6x6x4 and 4x8x4 for 45 minute fire rating. 12x12 block notincluded.
- Maximum opening width or height of 10'-0" and a
maximum area of 88 S.F. for 45 minute fire rating.
- Glass block, 8 x 8 x 4 Nubio 60, Clarity 60 and
Fortress for 60 minute fire rating.
- Maximum opening width or height of 10'-0" and a
maximum area of 88 S.F. for 60 minute fire rating.
- The frame between the glass block and the
gypsumboard wall to be 16 gage flush face and 14 gage channel hollow
metal with U.L. Iabel as supplied by Glashaus Inc. All frames will be
manufactured with a 2" face and 1" wider than the wall thickness for
each opening. Frame must be square or rectangular. Each frame will be
shipped knocked down for shipping convenience. All corners have
interlocking tabs. Contractor shall specify thickness of glass block
and wall for each opening.
- The rough opening for the frame to be 3 1/2"
larger than the modular glass block dimensions in each direction, i.e.
six 8" blocks + three 4"blocks=6 x 8 + 3 x 4 + 3 1/2" = 63 1/2"
- Fill space between glass block and channel with
glass fiber or mineral wool and caulk with silicone.
- Head of frame to be in place while block is being
installed. Lift head frame to allow installation of top course of
block. Do not forget to allow for 1/2" thickness of compressible
- If dimension under frame exceeds 3'-0" use masonry
- Install Glass Blocks as per Note A-7.
- Delberg, Accuspeed or A.B. Kreuz spacers may be
used to install Glass Block for 45 or 60 minute openings.

This page has been created by MTK
2020 , Updated: 27.03.2016